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Christmas Dilemma

Christmas Dilemma

Christmas Dilemma onlineDec. 07, 2020United States120 Min.N/A
A te értékelésed 0
5 1 szavazás
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Newlywed couple Jay (Britt) and Monica (Hall) struggle to decide which set of in-laws they should join for their first Christmas. They eventually decide against picking one family over the other. Little do they know, their decision is made for them when their families show up unannounced. Drama unfolds as their in-laws’ clash, long-lost relatives decide to make an appearance, and Jay’s grandmother joins the holiday festivities accompanied by her caretaker…

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Christmas Dilemma
EREDETI FILM CÍM Christmas Dilemma
IMDB ÉRTÉKELÉS 7.1 10 szavazat



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